Institute of Marine Biology FEBRAS | Institute Structure

Laboratory of Chorology

HEAD Oleg G. KUSSAKIN, Dr. Sci. Biol., Academician of RAS.

STAFF numbers 11, including 1 Academician, 2 Cand. Sci.

SEARCH OBJECTIVES: Hydrobiological survey of the intertidal zone, its productivity; crustacean taxonomy. The Laboratory has accomplished a hydrobiological survey of the 7000-km intertidal zone of the far-eastern seas, from the Bering Strait to the Korean Peninsula. Qualitative and quantitative studies of macro- and meiobenthos have been performed. Basing on a study of isopod crustaceans of boreal and temperate waters and the deep sea, Prof. O.Kussakin made a zoogeographic demarcation of the shelf and developed an original concept w hich suggests that the deep-water fauna of the World Ocean is relatively young and has been formed by migrations from cold-water regions, mostly the Antarctic.

Five volumes of identification keys have been published for isopod crustaceans and gastropod molluscs.

Phone: 31-09-21


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