Institute of Marine Biology FEBRAS | Institute Structure

Laboratory of Planktonology

HEAD Vladimir G. CHAVTUR, Dr. Sci. Biol.

STAFF numbers 8, including 1 Dr. Sci. and 1 Cand. Sci.

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Study of the biology of common species of zooplankton that form a food source of commercial organisms in the far-eastern seas and adjacent areas of the ocean; development and use of bioindication methods for determining the structure, dynamics and pollution of water and biological state of plankton; taxonomic studies on several groups of organisms which are of theoretical and applied importance.

The Laboratory conducts research in three directions. Study of seasonal dynamics of structure-functional characteristics of neritic zooplankton with the aim in view to reveal phenological regularities of its coenoses in coastal waters of the Far East and to develop bioindication methods for determination of biological state of communities and sanitary diagnosis of waters under different anthropogenic effects. Investigation of biology, distribution and dynamics of mass zooplankton species, forming the feeding base of important commercial objects (invertebrates, fish, and mammals) in the far-eastern seas and adjoining oceanic areas. Taxonomical research in different systematic groups of zooplankton aimed at elucidation of spatial position and dynamics of water mass, study of peculiarities of vertical and zoogeographical distribution of pelagic organisms in different climatic zones of the World Ocean.

Laboratory collections include plankton materials for the far-eastern seas and adjoining Pacific waters as well as for other areas of the World Ocean for some systematic groups. The Laboratory has a volumineous library. Bibliographic database\\\ has been made for specific areas (for plankton in general and different taxocoenes).

Phone: 31-11-69


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