Institute of Marine Biology FEBRAS | Institute Structure

Marine Preserve "Vostok Bay"

HEAD Dmitry K. Derzhavin

The State Marine Preserve in Vostok Bay was established on the Institute's initiative in 1989; it occupies 18,2 square meters of the aquatic area of Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan) north of the line connecting Cape Puschin and Cape Elizarov, including Srednyay Bay, Vostok Inlet, Tikhhayay Zavod Inlet and Llitovka Bay. The protected sanitary zone of the preserve represents a shore band 500 m wide, starting with the highest high water mark.

The preserve activities include the reduction of antropogenous effects on Vostok Bay, the protection of commercial marine organisms and their spawning grounds, the conservation of the natural diversity of animals and plants of Vostok Bay; investigation into the effects of sea farming on the state of benthic and pelagic communities; development of bioassays techniques seawater quality monitiring.

Phone: (266) 4-04-57


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